It's not the look, technology or even price that counts... it's the whole package.
At PANDA we have integrated state of the art technology with fashion and functionality, to create goggles that make you stand out from the crowd and provide the highest level of eye protection.

Lens Tint
Natural Light
Direct sunlight is uncomfortable and dangerous to the eyes. All UV goggles protect from this, but do not protect against the 80% of UV radiation reflected upwards by snow.
Polarised lenses are the only solution to this reflection.

Cobalt Blue
The Cobalt blue goggle has a yellow/green mirrored lens. The inner tint is a blue/neutral color.
VLT - 14.60%

Cobalt Grey
The Cobalt Grey goggle has a orange/red mirrored lens. The inner tint is a green/yellow color.
VLT - 18.70%

Cobalt White
The Cobalt White goggle has a blue mirrored lens. The inner tint is an orange color.
VLT - 16.70%

The Diablo lenses have an orange tint no matter their outer coating
VLT - 16.5%

"But which lens do I need?"
The simple answer is preference.
All our polarised lenses are designed to keep your eyes at a comfortable level of light intake, from sunlight to thin cloud. When the cloud thickens or the light darkens, you simply switch to your low light lens.

"What's so special about polarised lenses?"
GLARE - Snow reflects 80% of sunlight creating the all to familiar issue of "glare"... polarised lenses protect better than anything else against this reflection preventing visual discomfort especially in the morning or evening sun light.
UV RAYS - The purpose of standard lenses it to protect against harmful UV rays from the sun, however with 80% more sunlight coming through your lenses at a different angle only polarised lenses block this out.
COMFORT - Increases visual comfort. Since your eyes aren’t constantly challenged by glare, it is easier to view objects in bright conditions.
CONTRAST - Enhances clarity of vision and contrast allowing for clearer distance judgement.